A solo performance
I want to say something. Something important. Listen closely. I want to say it loud and clear. You might not have heard me the first time. So, let me say that again. I am trying to say something here.
"Let Me Say That Again" is a solo about people who speak a lot and say nothing, about big words and small meanings and about unsaid things.
Length: 12 minutes
Music: alva noto, Leon Vynehall, AGF
Choreography and dance: Audrey Wagner
08. September 2021 Movement Composed #3, Schützi Olten
Further performances:
09. September 2021 Movement Composed #3, Schützi Olten
11. September 2021 KleinKunstRallye, Kunst im Depot, Winterthur
13. November 2021 Wagenvarieté at Zirkusquartier, Zürich
21./22. October 2022 at Nuithonie in Fribourg for InciDanse
Photo: Lorenz Elmiger